Loki Free Propaganda

Free anarchist Propaganda

by Loki Gwynbleidd

A note from Loki Gwynbleidd

concerning support and donations

Creating Propagande Vintage & Anarchiste is a rewarding activity. But not necessarily in the pecuniary sense of the word. Which is a great pity when you're on the not-so-rich side of society.

In order to earn a living and continue to offer you new productions - inspired by the aesthetics of the late 19th century and filled to the brim with anarchist references - I have opened a donation space where you can contribute, on a one-off or recurring basis, according to your means and desires.

I don't offer anything in exchange for these donations, apart from the opportunity to preview certain posters. However, as I regularly forget to do it, what I'm really offering you is support and not an exchange in the form of a commercial relationship.

This support isn't just about me: through me, you're supporting a certain vision of Art, Culture and left-wing activism. It's an outdated, anarchist propaganda, open and accessible, produced by a neuroatypical artist who tends to get angry or depressed very quickly.

I don't say it often enough - because I'm not very expressive and I regularly forget - but THANK YOU for your help, your kind words and your support.